An article published in the Thailand Medical News presents strong evidence that the utilization of ozone (O3) is a contender in the fight to kill coronaviruses (specifically COVID-19) in the air and on surfaces. Ozone was effectively used against the SARS virus, which is considered a close relative and of similar composition to the current coronavirus outbreak. Research is currently on-going on ozone gas’s ability to kill COVID-19.  


Ozone generators, like the Powerzone series from Scandia, create 03 onsite from the oxygen in the air. Ozone’s ability to breakdown the protective layer around the cells that harbor viruses, bacteria, and fungi allow it to purge them from its environment by breaking them down. Coronavirus lies in the same category as similar viruses that ozone is able to disseminate. 

The Powerzone is the most effective tool you can use to fight against the onslaught of infectious disease. The utilization of natural components found in the atmosphere over the harmful risks associated with chemicals, like bleach, for sanitation cannot be undervalued. Since O3 is a gas, it is capable of filling and cleansing an entire space with far more precision than traditional sprays and cloth wiping. You, your staff, and your patrons will be better protected by this low maintenance, high efficiency method of disinfection. 

Ozone is an irritant to breathe to humans and pets, and must only be deployed in vacant spaces. Once activated, it takes 30+ minutes for the O3 to dissipate back into O2 and the room will be safe for re-entry. As an added safety measure, the Powerzone is equipped with a motion sensor and will stop when triggered.

Originally designed to conquer the battle against microorganisms in steam rooms. Scandia has now developed a variety of O3 generators that can be utilized in homes, fitness centers, schools, spas, daycares, and offices. You can better protect yourself and others now, and in the future.